Surtsey Research Progress Report – VIII (1978) Click on title/name and PDF file will open 1. Introduction 2. Biology 2.1 Sturla Friðriksson 1978: Vascular plants on Surtsey 1971-1976. Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 9-24. 2.2 G.H. Schwabe & B. Hickel 1978: The morpholocigal variability of a Synechococcus clone from postvolcanic substrate on the island of Surtsey (Iceland). Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 25-27. 2.3 E. Henriksson & L.E. Henriksson 1978: The bacteria Azotobacter, Beggiatoa, and Desulfovibrio in the Surtsey soil. Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 28-29. 2.4 L.E. Henriksson & G.A. Rodgers 1978: Further studies in the nitrogen cycle of Surtsey, 1974-1976. Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 30-40. 2.5 Erling Ólafsson 1978: The development of the land-arthropod fauna on Surtsey, Iceland, during 1971-1976 with notes on terrestrial Oligochaeta. Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 41-46. 2.6 H. Hedin 1978: On the terrestrial microfauna of Surtsey during the summer of 1976 with special reference to the Ciliates. Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 47-50. 3. Geology & Geophysics 3.1 J.O. Norrman 1978: Coastal changes in Surtsey Island, 1972-75. Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 53-59. 3.2 Svend-Aage Malmberg 1978: Seasonal means of temperature and salinity in the shelf area in Háfadjúp and across Selvogsbanki in 1971-1975. Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 60-62 3.3 Ævar Jóhannesson 1978: The thermal anomaly in Surtsey revisited. Surtsey Research Progress Report VIII: 63-68.