surtsey research
Surtsey Research-Íslenska
Surtseyjarfélagið hefur frá stofnun þess gefið út rit með niðurstöðum vísindastarfa, sem þar hafa farið fram. Samtals hafa nú verið gefnar út 15 rit sem eru samsafn greina ýmissa höfunda. Ritin hafa ávalt verið á ensku og komu fyrst út undir nafninu “Surtsey Research Progress Reports”. Frá árinu 2000 bera ritin nafnið “Surtsey Research”.
Greinar sem birtast í Surtsey Research eru ritrýndar af faglegri ritstjórn og utanaðkomandi sérfræðingum.
Surtsey Research-English
Since the Surtsey Research Society was founded it has published a scientific journal with results of the scientific work that has been carried out. A total of 15 reports have been published which contain a collection of articles from various scientists. The name of the report was initially “Surtsey Research Progress Report” but since 2000 it changed to “Surtsey Research”.
Articles that appear in Surtsey Research are peer reviewed by an extensive editorial committee and external reviewers.
Following is a list of all published journal volumes and by selecting a volume (front page or title) its index can be viewed. From there each article can be selected and viewed. The files are in pdf-format and it is noted that they are of various size

Surtsey Research - 12 (2009)

Surtsey Research - 11 (2000)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - X (1992)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - IX (1982)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - VIII (1978)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - VII (1974)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - VI (1972)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - V (1970)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - IV (1968)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - III (1967)

Surtsey Research Progress Report - II (1966)